Thursday, December 11, 2008

i see TWILLIGHT everywhere!

i want to watch twillight so muuuuuuuch..i know..i know..i should have watched it long2 ago since the movie came out faster here..However...i missed the day where everyone planned to watch here is the story..i have this persekutuan doa thingy so my group of people were really slow and we only have 30 min left to go to the cinemas while others were already in the theater.i was callin my mom at that time when i realized we were late for the movie..i told them that and asked them to move their butt ans start moving.but they just said.." niat nonton keburu lagian" bladebladebla..a bunch of reasons..

i wanted to go but nobody else wanna come, even my sis, she said that she was too tired.Damn people!!i was so pissed off at that time..they are old..i know so no wonder they dont wanna watch that kind of movie but helloooooooo there!!!i wanna watch it!!i have been waiting for it..waiting for the HOT VAMPIRE-EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

afterwards, i heard from those who have watched and they said that it was very abd and not worth watching it..blablabla..but even soooooo i still wanna watch..and now i'm stuck here..being curious of what is happening in the movie while others are talking baout it..i saw some blogs about it and you guys in indo are talking about it as well...hiks..i tried to forget about it but everywhere i go, there's always twillight. In magazines- there you go the hot vampire's picture in the cover of the magazine..facebook-there is that thing for people to become a fan of it..another magazine- pictures of him and statement saying that he is the hottest vampire alive..

btw..i think i did so manyyyyyyyy grammar mistake...haish...T.T

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