Sunday, February 22, 2009

who's to blame?

if it's your fault and deep down you know it...just take the blame instead of getting angry all of the sudden and start blaming others..throwing things and yelling might help to release the anger for a while but then u will regret it after a while..think before u act..that's what people usually said..however, not every one did that...humans are filled with anger and a big ego...u cant control it and without knowing it, u hurt the people near u. Yet u didnt realize what you have done.

u will always think that u are always the one to take the fault while sometimes it is not ur fault..but that's wrong..that's only what u think..the reality doesnt say so..evry one will be blamed if it is them who make the mistake..but all u need to to do is that think whether it is really ur fault or u deserve to be blame?even if u feel like u didnt do anything that deserve it though there is a solid evident that prove u wrong...just take and digest it..introspect urself and u will eventually find the right answer to all ur questions that u werent unsure before.

Pictures in NY times square are the pics that i promised to post...the first pic is a toy store or smthg like that..when you go in there, you could see dolls from diff sizes crowding the place...cute dolls of course...once said that this place was used in the home alone movie.

the second pic is what's inside it but only the front part..

the third is what u see when u first enter

the fourth is a weird looking doll yet i find it quite cute...

the fifth is the apple store located near the toy store; really near, only a few feets away...from the pic, there is an escalator which lead you to the store...

the 6th is a clothing store, i cant remember the name but the pic i took is just interesting bcos they use a bunch of jeans to create theat tree.

the rest are just the pic of time square..lots of colorful billboard...
except for the 8th pic, it was not in was actually a plastik napkin given by this unique resto in boston...i would like to explain more about that resto but im too lazy..the point is that resto does not serve customers like other resto..

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


amazingly, i finished reading the new moon just in 4 days..this is the first time i can rean a thick book that fast..normally, it took me like more than a month just to read a medium size book..huahahha..n now i am going to order the third and fourth book...nyahahahahahhaa

Monday, February 16, 2009


its been a while since i last updated my blog...i've been thinking to update it but then i'm to lazy to upload the photo from my phone to comp and stuff like that.. I actually wanna talk about valentines day (not that anything special happened, nothing happened at all actually). I went to NY on the 13 n 14th..i just want to show the pictures of time square an yes susan,..this time i really went to new york. I always want to eat the hotdog there but it enver happens, maybe i'll try it another time...

oh yeah...i finished reading the twilight(i know very "jadul" but yeah who cares) and now on the way finishing the new moon. I finished reading twillight in 1 month and start reading new moon in the 4 hours trip to NY and then another 4 hours going back. Then i realized i have finished reading 3/4 of the book..yes, very surprising..i actually wanted to read it again today bcos i wanna know what is going to happen next but unfortunately i have a bunch of homework that i owed from the 2 days trip. lucky me, today, monday is a holiday due to presidents day so i can catch up with a few homework and maybe finishing the rest at school..

hmmm..i guess that's all..i'll try to be not lazy and upload the pictures that i took in NY specially for blogging. btw..tell me about ur valentine day..any confession, flowers, or chocolate?anything at all?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Grammy Awards!!!

miley n taylor swift singing together..however miley's voice doesnt match taylor's..not in the bad way but they just cant sing together..not suitable..miley's voice is "cempreng" and taylor's is more just imagine them both singin together..hmmm..not a good choice..

STEVIE WANDERS is singing with jonas brother...of course stevie is good but the jonas...weird...i dunno....just weird..cant explain....

n btw..i didnt know that kanye west has won 10 grammy awards after all these years..n cool....the hip hop stars like kanye,jayz. TI and another guy and MIA are singin together..super cool..though i dont like the song..BTW MIA is pregnant and she still singing on stage.the tummy is huge as if it's going to explode...ooh paul mcartney is singin again...i dunno him but i think he's noted...80's i guess...

im writing this as im watching so the sentences might be weird and difficult to understand but just giv it a try okay..not to forget im typing it with an injured injured i mean the J on my key board copot so i tried putting it back yesterday..didnt really work out but at least it stick to where it is suppose to be just a bit hard when i type..i need to press quite hard then peel that thing again so that it wont sink..

my GOD!!!!my english become me god!!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Look what i've got!!

i was walking in the hallway to drink from the water fountain when i passed by this stupid sign..I glanced and then continue walking then after a few second the info just reached my brain so i stepped back to take a look at it is very very funny for me so i took a picture of it and decided to post it....
good way to avoid pregnancy before marriage and support more premarital sex!!!