Monday, February 16, 2009


its been a while since i last updated my blog...i've been thinking to update it but then i'm to lazy to upload the photo from my phone to comp and stuff like that.. I actually wanna talk about valentines day (not that anything special happened, nothing happened at all actually). I went to NY on the 13 n 14th..i just want to show the pictures of time square an yes susan,..this time i really went to new york. I always want to eat the hotdog there but it enver happens, maybe i'll try it another time...

oh yeah...i finished reading the twilight(i know very "jadul" but yeah who cares) and now on the way finishing the new moon. I finished reading twillight in 1 month and start reading new moon in the 4 hours trip to NY and then another 4 hours going back. Then i realized i have finished reading 3/4 of the book..yes, very surprising..i actually wanted to read it again today bcos i wanna know what is going to happen next but unfortunately i have a bunch of homework that i owed from the 2 days trip. lucky me, today, monday is a holiday due to presidents day so i can catch up with a few homework and maybe finishing the rest at school..

hmmm..i guess that's all..i'll try to be not lazy and upload the pictures that i took in NY specially for blogging. btw..tell me about ur valentine day..any confession, flowers, or chocolate?anything at all?

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