Sunday, February 22, 2009

who's to blame?

if it's your fault and deep down you know it...just take the blame instead of getting angry all of the sudden and start blaming others..throwing things and yelling might help to release the anger for a while but then u will regret it after a while..think before u act..that's what people usually said..however, not every one did that...humans are filled with anger and a big ego...u cant control it and without knowing it, u hurt the people near u. Yet u didnt realize what you have done.

u will always think that u are always the one to take the fault while sometimes it is not ur fault..but that's wrong..that's only what u think..the reality doesnt say so..evry one will be blamed if it is them who make the mistake..but all u need to to do is that think whether it is really ur fault or u deserve to be blame?even if u feel like u didnt do anything that deserve it though there is a solid evident that prove u wrong...just take and digest it..introspect urself and u will eventually find the right answer to all ur questions that u werent unsure before.

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