Thursday, January 29, 2009

embarassing moment ever

so let see..i was on my statistic class..the class room used is a comp lab so of course i have a computer right infront of my face..just like last time, i want to watch a tc show in the class bcos the teacher is very boring..he kept on tlaking about smthg that we've learned last time..however, this time was just unfortunate..i plug on my headphones thinking that the sound should not come out ryt?!? so i started watching n also chatting w/ my frens thru msn...n then!!!! the teacher finished his thing n want to start the class...he began and said smthg about the music..i couldnt hear him clearly coz i had my earphones on my ear..the last time he didnt found out about it..then he kept talking about the music and asked to turn it off..he didnt know where it came from..then i realized that it was coming from me..the freaking sound came from my actually, while i was watching, everbody could hear it..OMG right at that time i felt so dumb and i even heard some people giggling behind me....i flushed and didnt look back for a few moments..i thought to myself how stupid i face turned red n hot..i just cant believe it...GRRRRR....

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Love Snow But I Hate The Coldness

GOOD NEWS!!! Due to the weather forecast, there would be a snow storm so all my classes are cancelled. So i've got this day to finish all my homeworks that are piling and also to update my blog^^

So this is my first time experiencing snow..snow is very beautiful but the cold....i cant stand it..
here are some pictures that i took for you guys n myself to see...not as pretty as the real one but yeah still ok.. u can see how high the pile of snow is..i have a hard time walking bcos it's very slippery.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hehehehe...thx to susan again my long lost tag box showed up people...start tagging!!!!!!!

arigato susan..thank you very much...nyehehehe..
remind me to not change my layout ever is sure complicated for better just do the basic things like posting new posts...hehe

peace out yo

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

At last...

YUP! At last i bought the twilight book..just the day before i go back,,...haha..but then i only bought the first 2 books coz the rest are out of stock...i read it on plane and it turned out to be just lioke what others said_GOOD! Maybe for me it is not that good, i tried to picture it in different ways but because i have watched the book the scenery of the movie keep flashing on my head as i read the book.. although im still excited in reading it due to some chapters that are not played in the movie..they sure cut lots of chptrs that are supposed to be great if they make it into movie..Cant wait to finish the book and read to the next catching up with u guys so slow down a bit....


It is weird that im happy to go back to this poluted country filled with criminals. Jakarta it is..However, what mkes me happy to be back in jkt is not the jkt itself actually but more because of the frens family n my house. home sweet home...the phrase saying that "there is nothing like home" is very true..i agree with it for 100%..Although, i cant really go back to my old room as the AC is i cant really enjoy myself...i was hoping that when i got back i could sleep at my own bed room ALONE without sharing with my sister but that did not happen..*sigh*

Actually, in jkt, there is not much to do...all u can do on ur holiday is that go to malls n shops..For me, that would be kinda enough. I've got a lot of time to spend with my frens..we go to malls to watch and eat and talking and do nothing...we got this xmas party where people beside me n shaun can exchange gifts..the secret santa they called it..they jumped into pools but i was not aware of that before so i did not bring any extra clothes which caused me to stay away from the pool..But we do have some pictures together near the pools...

the pictures maybe to small to see but yeah why not posting it..

next is ho's farewell and josie's bedey party..we did not take any pictures about the sleepover..maybe becos it was late already and people were to tired to take pictures. We watches this psycho movie_P2_and then talk until 3 am..not all stay until 3 am though..then wake up at 9 if im not wrong....we eat spaghetti that was cooked by josie's mom..very delicious..the one by one we go home...

that is on josie's bedey n farewell party

and on ho's farewell party we have dinner at pancious..the place is nice but lots of mosquitos...

oh yeah almost forgot, some of us attended whn's farewell party and here is the pic of us who came to the airport to send him..these are the girls only...


it is kinda late to talk about this actually but i've got nothing to do so why not.
This is about the day when i got back to jkt which is also happened to be on my bedey..happy that im going back on my bedey but unlucky me, i got stuck in the HK airport for 6 flight begining from boston to jfk to vancover to HK then to jkt are all delayed in each stop. As a result, i missed my flight and i couldn't go back on the time that was supposed to be which is i pm. Instead, i reached jkt at 8pm.

To make matter worse, while waiting in each airport, my stupid phone was low bat so cant really turned it on the whole time. Waiting in the HK airport for such a long time without my phone, computer and stuff that could make me preoccupied. Eventhough there was this place where i could use a computer for a while as there were lots of people lining up, waiting for me to finish.

So that was how bad my birthday was...I didn;t feel like having my bedey at all..SUX!!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

hello thereeeeeee...

nyahahahha..its been long time since i last posted a new u guys know i'm in Indo ryt now so one of the reason why i have not been blogging is because of that..i'll be back to US on the 18th..i know vina on that date u are having your exams... what's new??i expect to hear lots of gossips when i got back but the fact is that there is nothing much to talk gossips, nothing much is happening.. only some people are at last have an account for facebook such as SUSAN & HO!!! Congrats..

i have nothing much to say actually..i only update my blog because my loyal readers like ratna susan n janet have been bored and told me to update...nyehahaha... i will be posting pictures of me n my frens that we took while we are in indo later when i get back to US...

susan!!pls dont put candid pics in fb..malu sayaaa...
& josie sorry i cant come to the airport but i wish u the best of luck n take care hope our plan of going to disney land on spring break with others can actually come true^^. talk to you there...