Thursday, January 29, 2009

embarassing moment ever

so let see..i was on my statistic class..the class room used is a comp lab so of course i have a computer right infront of my face..just like last time, i want to watch a tc show in the class bcos the teacher is very boring..he kept on tlaking about smthg that we've learned last time..however, this time was just unfortunate..i plug on my headphones thinking that the sound should not come out ryt?!? so i started watching n also chatting w/ my frens thru msn...n then!!!! the teacher finished his thing n want to start the class...he began and said smthg about the music..i couldnt hear him clearly coz i had my earphones on my ear..the last time he didnt found out about it..then he kept talking about the music and asked to turn it off..he didnt know where it came from..then i realized that it was coming from me..the freaking sound came from my actually, while i was watching, everbody could hear it..OMG right at that time i felt so dumb and i even heard some people giggling behind me....i flushed and didnt look back for a few moments..i thought to myself how stupid i face turned red n hot..i just cant believe it...GRRRRR....

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