Saturday, November 29, 2008

First time skiing and it turns out to be...

On wednesday we decided to go skiing as most people were going to Ny for the thx giving holiday. We started our 1 hour journey to wachussets(the snowboarding place) at 10. I was very excited and when we arived there, the place was like a village, no resto, only a few houses. There is actually on eresto which might be very good but it opened only for dinner.

We went back to the wachussets and ate there(no good food)..i paid $72 for playing, rent was included. I mean renting the ski stuff and the shoes. The shoes were very heavy which made me very diff to move..and it became worst whe u wore the ski. At fisrt, my friend hought me how to move, it seemed easy, just like ice skating. Then we went up to this mountain that was considered for beginners. We went up using the lift then we went down. At first i was only planning to wait for my friends at the edge but..i cant stop and just ran down the hill. I felt my heart beating like crazy and im sure that it almost stopped for a few seconds. I went down in a great speed and i did not even know how to stop..I shouted and at last just gave up. VEry cold, wind blew my whole body while i flew down. I tried not to bump into any body but i failed. At least i could stop now. So i hit this man and we fell. Face first. It was hard for me already to sit up and this man already cursing me.I ignored cause i was still in trauma.. One of my fren approached me and helped me out to stand but i kept on falling again n again.

I gave up and decided to carry the ski down the hill and walked. After that i refused to go up and try it again or even to move using my ski. I just waited for everyone playing. Then there was this place where small kids and real beginners played. I tried it with my sis and some frens but still i could not stop and fell. Unlike my sis, she got it after trying twice. Therefore, she moved on to a harder place, a steeper mountain. They asked me to go with then n i refused and just stood there waiting and freezing. Oh by the way, they were using fake snow as it ws not snowing yet so the ice was very hard and slippery.

After almost one hour waiting, 2 of my frens that i have been searching for showed up. They also beginners but they used snow boards. We have the same prob which is cant stop. Im still in trauma so i only tried a few times and waited most of the time. The last two times i tried, i could slow down but still stop using my butt. however, there was one time where i could really stop without falling. I got very excited and slipped so in the end i fell again. Before we went home, we bought this delicious waffle.

My frens asked me to go skiing again before i went back to indo but im still 50-50 with that.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What a shitty day..

i woke up early for nothing..wasted!!at 9 am i already woke up but unfortunatel i still could not go to class.My sis has an important presentation at 10 but she set the timer at 9 so she, herself was already late for class so she did not have the time to send me to school. IT was raining heavily outside so i could not go by bus, there was no umbrella.i know it seems to be a lame reason but yeah that is the fact. So i stayed at home, skip class again.

Then at 11 my fren called and she wanted to pick me up and asked some question about the test. Arrived at school, i have microeconomy class which only 10 students or less showed up. We did study but we went home early. Before 2..However, i have class at 4..english class which i have skipped the last class so if i skipped again my grade would be lowered down. I waited for 2 damn long hour doing nothing in the library...

5 min before 4pm, i met my frens..we talked then i went to my class.It was still raining n i forgot to bring my hoodie..instead, i brought a useless coat.. So i walked across with rain dropping all over my body..arrived at my class, nobody was in the room..i went upstairs to my teacher's room n saw his belongings still in there but not him.

i called one of my classmate and asked her about the class.and it turned out that there was no class for today..the class was cancelled. i was so pissed off.come on i waited for two hours, i could go home earlier but for that stupid class i waited. There was no reminder, the teacher did not send me any email telling that the class was cancelled.WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!! There was nothing!!!!!!!!!my time was completely wasted...i knew it i should have gone home after micro class..i had the feeling that it would be cancelled because the next day is thx giving holiday so no body would come to class...

to make matter worse, the plan about going to NY for one day was cancelled as well because one of us bailed out. She got sick so she bailed out...damn it..what a boring holiday..
although, in the end we decided to go skiing..Not a good news either coz i have no preparation yet..i never skied before and i have no jackets that is warm i=enough for skiing, no boots, no gloves, no nothing..and now i'm writing this blog while watching armageddon with my hungry!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Best fruit tart ever

this is a pic of my half eaten fruit tart that i got from my sis..that day i had an exam so i could not go with my sis n frens to buy the fruit tart which located wuiet far from my house_around 45 min. However, my sis brought me this fruit tart that made my day^^ it is so tasty, sweet and creamy..the best fruit tart i have ever eaten..really good and i want more ryt now..

Friday, November 21, 2008


this is my 3rd time trying to post about aar but before i even finish, my stupid laptop keep goin back to the home page..i dunno where the drafts were saved so i must re write it again..
so back to the topic..
yesterday, thursday night, i went to aar concert and now i am officially a fan of aar..they are so damn cool..OMG if there is going to be another concert i will definitely them so much..they are so freaking awesome..but unfortunately yesterday, the lead singer was kinda high i mean drunk or something like that..he was funny frens uploaded the video on facebook..i want to ask for the video and post it here but its too complicated o you guys if you wanna see it just see it on my face book..i dunno how you guys can search for the video but yeah...
okay so i bought this cd for 15 dollar which would be sent to my home address..the reason i was wiling to buy it is not because i want the cd but i want to meet them tafter the concert and ask for autograph..(taking pictures werent allowed=( )

after the concert we gathered in this lounge and lined up for autograph..i love one of the guitarist..if im not wrong his name is nick..he is sooo cute and on the concert, when he played the guitar..oh man he is sooooo coooooooooooool..and very kind...he always smile and that is very cute..aaah..

when i reach the room where they say behind a table, i get really excited. I approached them and asked for autograph on the poster and of course on my shirt..i was wearing a plain light grey shirt ( i almost where a black shirt that day but i could not find it.LUCKY!)..they sign it on the back of my shirt of course. AND THEN....the most important part....i got a picture with the lead singer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HUAHAHAHAHAHAHA...i know we werent suppose to take picture with them but there were four of us. one of my frens asked the lead singer whether she could take a pic or not..but the lead singer cant speak because he lost his voice and he was high so he just gave us a gestured telling us that he dunno or something like that but we assumed it as a yes so first my fren took it then me then my fren then sadly, the last person from the 4 of us did not have the chance as the security shouted to not take a pict..but i got the picture already..hahaha..

there you go the pic of the concert(its kinda blurry) and the autographs on my shirt^^

Thursday, November 20, 2008


AHAHAHAAHAHA....i am going back to indo..i';m going back to indoooo..hiphiphoreeeeeeeee...i was able to book a ticket n i might reach indo around dec 18th if im not wrong..hopefully i reach indo before my goint to meet u guys soooon..dont go anywhere okay..we will go out everyday..(lets just hope so)haha....take buch of pictures that is for sure and DDR yo!!!who knows if i play ddr everyday in indo i might lose some weight coz it is considered as sports..haha

Friday, November 14, 2008

Coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

while waiting 30 mins for the movie to start, there were a lot of trailer of those coming soon movies..i am very extremly excited about the coming soon movies..

these are the movies that i am very excited about:

#1.ANGELS&DEMONS from the davinci code is going to be played (for those people who has read the book, u knew how awesome the book was ryt?so we'll just see whether the movie is going to be as cool as the book or not)

#2.TRANSFORMER 2! i have not seen the trailer yet but still its transformer peopleeee!!For girls its Shia LaBeouf is playing this movie and for me whatever movie he is playing is always good, and for boys Megan Fox is playing, a very hot actress..evrybody knows that..

#3.THE SPIRIT...I know..weird title but it is about super heroes and actions...very so gonna watch it..about the story. i watched the trailer but i still have no idea what the story is going to be about but for sure its about saving the world or stuff like that..

#4.SEVEN POUNDS..Will smith is starring this movie and most movies that he played eventhough they weren't all good, they are always cool..(for me) its about him changing the life of seven people..dunno how..the trailer is kinda abstract for me..haha..but it seems cool..

for more..all i know there are going to be harry potter 6, dragonball, pirates of the carribean 4, pink panther and more that i dunno...

btw i watched madagascar 2..very funny!!!

Quantum of Solace

It came iut first in Indo so i heard a lot of people were saying that it is a bad mive but i dont care im still interested in watching it.So at 11pm we agreed to watch..A bunch of indonesian gathered there just like usual...i knew all of them because boston is quite back to the took 30 min before the real movie started. I would not say that it was a bad was okay for me..the story is kinda blur but james bond is still cool..very cool..the way he talks, acts and everything...very cool..n then the girl who has a mark at her back was said to be very hot.She is very popular among guys because after the movie ended, we gathered, making a circle n talked(typical indonesian). All the guys, most, said that she is very hot while the girls thought that she is just okay n some even considered her as ugly..She is a model though.

oh the middle of the movie, there was one stupid guy who forgot to turned off his phone and it rang quite long and he did not turn it off until the people in the theater started to complained. Then one guy shout at him and said " shut the f***ing phone off'", at that moment the phone was immedeately turned off and we who sat at the back started to laugh..( i know it's a very unimportant story but i just cant stop my self from writing it in my blog)


so yesterday i was talking with my mom n dad through msn n we were talking about the december dad asked me whether im going to go home or not n i answered im not going to because my holiday is not even a month so it's just a waste of time n money..i was being a gud girl n thinking about the economy eventhough i wanted to go home so deperately/... A few seconds after i made that statement my dad said that i should just go home..and he told me not to think about the money but my sister n i still insist in sister has a different reason than me..she is planing to go to LA n Seattle to visit her frens on dec and she also said that it is cheaper rather than going back to indo..quite a long story but then in the end my dad n mom insisted us to go home n after making sure of it we agreed n my sis is in the process of booking hoping we could gwet a cheaper ticket.however, we are still in the waiting list in this present situation coz as u guys know that on dec people are going back to their home town so its hard to get a ticket..HOPEFULLY i could get a ticket n go back to indo..i miss the food, frens, family, malls and DDR..haha..i wanna meet u guys in indo so lets just hope that i could really go back this dec so that i could at least meet vina n susan n some other people that are leaceing this dec and not coming back on summer..^^

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Michael John - American Idol

I was searching through youtube about the latest song from david cook when i remebered michael john..I was listening to the part where he sang we are the champion/we will rock you song..It was the best ever!! i love him so much and remembering the day when he got voted off/ eliminated on the day of american idol gives back where they normally did not eliminate people on that day get me so pissed off. He was one of the best but then he got kick off before the top 3..I thought he was going to be in top 3 with the 2 davids.Stupid, deaf american did not know which one was good and which one was bad.I remembered the stupid blond girl who could not sing yet stayed longer than michael john..ARGH!!!hated it so much..i did not remeber who was the blond girl ut i remebered the part where she sang a song that was suppose to be quite fast or something yet she sang it really shit..worst than shit..Michael johns SHOULD be in TOP 3!!!!!!!!!MICHAEL JOHN IS THE BEST!!!LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

My first time playing basketball in boston there was this event where indonesian people were invited in basketball competition..we had our tea chosen randomly..the picture shown was not my team although the girl in red shirt was one of my team mates. The girl right beside me is a really gud player..she played like a pro n i heard that if she did not choose to study in boston, back in indonesia she would be in the strongest team in indonesia..i dunno what the term called but yeah she is good..very gud..n strong..
nrex..the girl with black she cant play basketball she just joined for fun n last one the girl with white shirt..first of all i dont like her..(im sorry) second, she is from JIS n said that she was the captain of the JIS team..however, i think she is not that good compared to angela, caroline and levina..she played as if she wanted to pick a fight..she kept pushing and play rough..i think if she played one on one with one of those three girls form our bbs team she would lose..hahahaha..but dont play one on one with me..i will definitely lose..hehe^^
yeah so it was a very fun was not that tiring, i still feel like playing.but the worst thing was that the next day, all of my body hurts as if i've been beaten up by a bunch of guys..when i woke up i could not even move my leg..hurts like hell..never felt that way before..i suffered for around 2 to 3 days.

Birthday Bash

So the night before his bedey we gather in one place to give him a surpirse..
there is a picture of me with some of my frens in his apartment berfore the bedey bash..yeah there was one guy behind us who was trying to join in the picture..
back to the story..some brought cakes for him while others brought stuff like flour,eggs, expired milks and others to bash him..we were supposed to bash the guy with red shirt on that day but the guy with brown shirt had his bedey 2 days ago but we failed to bash him due to police coming to our apertment..therfore, we bash both of them on that was really disgusting n smell although the cake was tasty..


angelina jolie is playing this n she is a fantastic actor..this is a true not going to tell you what is this about but for dure it is a good movie..hmmm..u know what..maybe i a going to tell you a bit about this movie..this movie is about angelina jolie playing as a mom n one day when she came back from work...her son was missing..bla debladebla....the police found a boy who looked like her son but she said that he was not her son..n the story goes it is a sad n an inspiring story..