Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What a shitty day..

i woke up early for nothing..wasted!!at 9 am i already woke up but unfortunatel i still could not go to class.My sis has an important presentation at 10 but she set the timer at 9 so she, herself was already late for class so she did not have the time to send me to school. IT was raining heavily outside so i could not go by bus, there was no umbrella.i know it seems to be a lame reason but yeah that is the fact. So i stayed at home, skip class again.

Then at 11 my fren called and she wanted to pick me up and asked some question about the test. Arrived at school, i have microeconomy class which only 10 students or less showed up. We did study but we went home early. Before 2..However, i have class at 4..english class which i have skipped the last class so if i skipped again my grade would be lowered down. I waited for 2 damn long hour doing nothing in the library...

5 min before 4pm, i met my frens..we talked then i went to my class.It was still raining n i forgot to bring my hoodie..instead, i brought a useless coat.. So i walked across with rain dropping all over my body..arrived at my class, nobody was in the room..i went upstairs to my teacher's room n saw his belongings still in there but not him.

i called one of my classmate and asked her about the class.and it turned out that there was no class for today..the class was cancelled. i was so pissed off.come on i waited for two hours, i could go home earlier but for that stupid class i waited. There was no reminder, the teacher did not send me any email telling that the class was cancelled.WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!! There was nothing!!!!!!!!!my time was completely wasted...i knew it i should have gone home after micro class..i had the feeling that it would be cancelled because the next day is thx giving holiday so no body would come to class...

to make matter worse, the plan about going to NY for one day was cancelled as well because one of us bailed out. She got sick so she bailed out...damn it..what a boring holiday..
although, in the end we decided to go skiing..Not a good news either coz i have no preparation yet..i never skied before and i have no jackets that is warm i=enough for skiing, no boots, no gloves, no nothing..and now i'm writing this blog while watching armageddon with my hungry stomach..sucks!!

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