Sunday, October 26, 2008

Chocolate is th BEST

The first one is called yin is actually consist of white chocolate and dark chocolate..very delicious..
the second one i forgot the name but is has dark chocolate and some baileys in it tasted quite bitter..
the las one is dark chocolate with cookies and cream if im not wrong..
chocolate fondue is the best..look at the strawberies, marshmellow and the cheese cake in the middle..i want more...........yummy..this is why i gain more weight..damn..

one beautiful day

you see what i see

i just feels like posting lots of pictures..and share with you guys coz i have nothing to do ..i need to study but i feel like as usual, a bunch of new post will be posted in one day.,.heehehe

the first pic is what i usually see when i wait for the bus from my apt to go to school..very unimportant but yeah i dont care..

the second one is the place where i usually wait for my first bus to go home after school..
the third one is located right infront of the first pic..

First time eating subs

i'm sorry for being norak..please understand that i never it subs before in indo and i dont think there is or maybe its just me who dunno..but what the hell i can eat it here..

actually i wanted to post it a very long time ago but then i dont have the chance to upload the picture until now..

that day was the first time i ate subs..i was on the way home and very hungry..i got back home and chat with bern and asked him about subs..and he told me which one is nice and it made me even i walk there and bought it for $5or $4 i forgot..the restauran is very near so i can just walk..this was the small one by the way but still is very big.this is the italian one where there are three types of ham and veggies..i ate them all and satisfied..and because i cant fit it in my mouth i needed to bite itbit by bit and it gets kinda messy especially when i put the ketchup..but yeah still tasted gud

My Trip To Salem

wake up at 2 pm..(feels very good about it..very fresh) then take a bath then eat lasagna then get bored because i have nothing to do..sit n watch while texting and folding clothes..the plan was that my sis n i n some frens were supposed to go to shopping but as usual my sis is very plin plan and love to change her plans which in the end we have no plan at all.So i end up getting really bored while she wondering around,going from place to place..then somebody knocked on my door, it turned out to be my frens who asked me to go to salem with them. Salem is a place in boston...1 hour from my place and it is famous for the wich story.It is said that the place was onced lived by witches..witches born and executed there as well..I am very interested yet lazy to go at the first place..but then again because i'm bored and i found out that my sis was having her own plan to go to a restaurant with her frens without telling me,pissed me of so i decided to go with them.

The place looks really old and creepy..maybe because its haloween.Oh ya this salem place is very crowded when its haloween.So when i got there, a lot of people were wearing they costume already even though it was still a week before haloween. From place to place, the houses are decorated with haloween atmosphere and there were a lot of haunted house.I went to 3 haunted house..2 out of 3 were fun and scary..its a very interesting of the haunted haouse called the frankenstein laboratory..

then the last place i went to is a kind of theater where they told you a story behind the place.Why is it that crystall ball are used by witches and what is it used for..and what is the story behind the broom turned out that the answer for that questions are very different from what people usually thought of..

outside the theater, they put a few stories about what happened and there were pictures of the witches that were excuted..from the pictures i saw, there was one girl that was very young yet executed, she is only 9 years old..

i spent $50 in one night including dinner..and i think its quite worth made me broke but still worth it..on the way to the dinner, i laughed for the whole hour because one of my fren is very word he said would make me laugh..dunno why its just funny..
then on the way home, it starts raining and the wind is very very makes me very difficult to walk to the car and to avoid dusts getting into our eyes, we walked backward until we reach the car..very scary yet fun..but im still pissed off with my sis.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Pride and Glory

BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOVE THIS MOVIE.....i missed the first part though and i was sitting alone beside a very hyperactive guy(he keeps moving his legs that makes my seat vibrate...very annoying)..back to the topic..yes it is a very interesting and fantastic movie...about bad cops n bla bla bla...the ending is sad for me..dunno about others though..frankly, i shed tears in the end of the movie..not really in the end but almost..thankfully i was sitting alone so i dont really care..haha...there are som extreme parts as extreme i mean cruel...

the point is.....WATCH THIS MOVIE!IT IS A MUST!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008



Private BBQ..ahahaha

Vina i'll try to use english yah..tapi campur2 a bit yah^^

so..abis pulang dari super market (its a 30 min walk from my apt to supermarket then back damn cold cheek were freezing coz the wind is really strong)..i was alredy tired n hungry..i put my things onthe floor then lay on the bed n start chatting..i was planning to cook when my fren invited me to go to a BBQ at my fren's first i dont wanna go but he insisted and said that he will pick me up cos yeah u knw i cant drive n my sis was in i said ok lah i'll go..he arrived at 4 30 n i was alredy starving..i called my other fren who hosted the BBQ and told him that we are going to go there..Buuuut...he said that he n his brother n his frens are still shopping for the BBQ..he told us to come at 6 30..

so/ fren n i were in my apt doing nothing..we were just checkin fb n talk about his frens n my frens until 6 30...on the way there, he said that he dunno the way n has no we were lost..its really dumb..we were going in circle n at last after i panicked and called my fren for direction, he took his gps out..(irene d tipu..kesel saya)

blom makan dari pagi,starving, ga dapet tempat buat park the car(btw mobilnya Z4,bmw,coop,2 seater..gile mobilnya kecil bgt..keren sih keren tp mini bgt..) trus d suru beli jagung lagi..dingin2 BBQ..akhirnya we arrived at the house n start BBQ ing..damn man so delicious..sausage wrapped with bacon then we panggang the steak..gede coy but i only eat like half of the steak slice..then adaa french fries then the best of all itu my fren cooked i dunno what but i called it bacon soup..ahahaha..cos dy cook ada bacon with mushroom soup nya d kasih white wine n bawang2 ga itu enaaak bgt..ada rasa sweet2nya...argh i love it...

while eating we watched red sox(baseball game just in case somebody dunno)from 8 to 12 pm..the weather was really was freezing n we BBQ outdoor gituu..but worth it stomach really full..for dessert we ate ice cream..on the process of cookin n eating we kept joking n they very often teased me..maklum lah yah itu cowo smua..pada kejam2 gw d ejek2 d bully n gw g bisa bales..they are pro..i'm the only girl n kalah lah lawan mereka..hiiiii...

i eat like 4 scoop gituu..ahahahpetama 2 n then 2 lagi..i lay on the sofa n chat while eating the ice cream..ada my fren yang really kind, jadi i didnt move at all..dy yg get me the ice cream twice n also a drink..wakakaka..i was joking before..asking him to get me ice cream n water..i didn expect that he really would get me..ahaha..but yah ternyata d ambilin..wakaka..i was chatting with vina at that time n we talk about it n something else n i laughed out loud..

then my sis called..she was kinda shock that i have not gone home was late but what can i do they were watching red sox yang slesenya mid night so..ya uda i wait till they finish n then the guy who picked me up, send me back home..
beside the teasing, it was a really fun day..
my plan before was to do my take home test,study, do hw n exercise but all that di pending dulu..ahaha...minggu HARUS FINISH!!!

iiih aneh rasanya crita pake english..awkward abis..ahahah./.for suzue,sammy n vina n ratna n other yg read these n i knw english lu org jago..pardon my grammar yah...ahahha..jadi malu saya^^

weird n creepy

hari ini gw bangun jam 12 cc gw kan uda pegi tuh k sklh mau nya ish bgn lebh siang lagi karna hari ini gw ga bakal kmana2 karna ank2 d apt gw pada sibuk ntar pada mau nonton cirque disole= kooza..itu tuh circus yg keren bgt tapi gw ga mau ikut karna mahal coy..100dllr for circus so i think that it is not worth it..trus kan gw mandi planningnya abis mandi mau jalan kakui k super market bli sayur n then masak..trus abis mandi kan gw liat hoho manggil..trus gw jawab..then..

smthg weird n shocking for cm tulis" hoooo" then "hohohoho"..trus pas gw balik gw liat ada tambahan gitu ..jadi nya ada "hooooooooooooooooooooooo"&"oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"
padahal i dont remember my self typing when i saw it...very shocking maaaan..then i look around..i thought that there was somebody cos my apt kan sring banyak orang yang masuk soalnya sometimes i forgot to lock it..tapi there is none..only me..langsung gw tegang..but i force myself not to think about it cos it would be really scary for me alone in my apt.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

body of lies

filnya leonardo de caprio...ganteng coy apa lagi pas mudanya..yahut abis dah tuh cowo..filmnya gmn yah..bosenin sih depan2nya..pokoknya ntn itu harus sabar karna bnyk kernenya tuh crita nya unexpected bgt..bwt gw sih unexpected yah..g tau deh buat yg laen..karna dy bisa bikin org guess critanya tp ternyata bukan pokoknya yah gt de..overall sih siap2 jgn kebosenan lu hrs sabr ampe tengah2 gt..temen gw sih ad bbrp yg tidur karna bosen tp buat gw sih itu worth it lah ya..

the end

Bosan again n again

knapa yah gw bosen terus..bukannya gw g ad kerjaan loh..bisa aj kan gw baca komik ato nonton ato pegi am temen2 mau gmn pun gw tetep ngerasa bosen..hav fun nya uth cm bntr ntar g lama gw bosen lg..kyk wkt itu gw ntn ud hav fun tuh tp stlh nonton gw bosen lg..ntar dari bosen bisa jadi bete..contohnya hari ini..d skul sih gw uda fun2 aj..karna gw sibuk terus kan dari class k class nunggu 2 jam tp itu pun gw maen n chat n bikin kerjaan n hang out bntr am tmn gw trus class lg then pulang..trus chating trus g lama tmn gw turun ajak ntn film horor d rm gw filmnya sampah ntn tengah2 gw matiin..tuh yg maen lindsay lohan judulnya i know who killed me..potong2 tangan g jlas gt..trus ada grudge temen gw suru ntn gw liat setannya ngeri ndiri deh trus gw suru ganti akhirnya kt pegi makan..shit abis ampe skrg gw jd ke inget setannya gt..mana gw lg d rm ndirian hari ini cc gw nginep d tmpt tmnnya..SHIT!!

bis tuh kan pegi makan am tmn2 gw cc gw am tmn2 nya ndiri..trus blk cc gw ajk k mana gt minum ap g jlas lah ya..d situ dy org sih ketawa2 gw nya bete ndiri..bosen gt,,.cm duduk minum trus g lama plg..d rm jg bis tuh g ad kerjaan..skrg jam 1 17 gw masi blm bisa tidur jadi nya chat am mari n kartika..itu lah org2 yg bisa d ajk chat kalo mau d sesuaikan am wkt lg yg online trus selaen kartika..jadi yah gw bisa crita2 lah k dy kl lg bete..untung ad dy kl ga gw bisa meldak..yah crita2nya jg cuma ttg hari2 gw kan jarang bgt crita ttg diri gw ndiri..ahaha..

gara2 cc gw nginep bsk class pagi gw berhubung gw harus berangkat ndiri naek bus berarti gw hrs bangun 2 jam seblumnya tp skrg jam segini aj gw blm tidur jd gw decide utk skip aja deh tuh class n ikut class k 2 gw yg jam 12 berarti jam 10 bangun yah masi lumayan lah ya..moga2 tmrw is a better day lah..kalo ga gw bisa mampus d bosen trus..WHY?WHY YA MY LIFE IS REALLY DAMN BORING? i feel bored almost everyday eventhough there are so much things to do..temen gw ampe ad yg bilang begini " rin gw bingung loh lu kan masi freshman kerjaan masi dikit kok tiap kali d ajak pegi lu slalu ga ikut yah..kalo gw jadi lu sih gw uda pegi2 deh"
yah emg bnr sih gw sring mals pergi karna gw mikir nar ujung2 gw jg ngbrlnya dikitn jadi bosen yah g tau deh..its jus SUX!

panjang abis ga ad yg mau baca nih..ahahah


AHAHA..tadi title ampir gw tulis fool moon instead of full moon..kalo ampe ketulis begt sih malu abis gw skolah d amrik ga bs spell yg bener..swt..ah iy jadi kemaren tuih kayaknya ada full g tau deh full moon gmn tapi tmn gw bilang itu full moon..bulannya bulet,terang trus awan2 d skitarnya tuh jadi kliatan jlas gt..bnr2 keren...keren abis..bayangin aj bulan rada terang d banding biasa terus sekitarnya kliatan grey awan2 gt..keren bgt mau foto tapi waktu itu lagi d mobil n camera gw kan dari hp jadi yah g nyampe sejauh itu lah yaaa...sayang bgt..padahl gw pengen banget tuh ituuu..

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Capeeeee bangeeeeeeeet

hari ini paling cape dah..bangun uda pagi2..k sklh cm nunggu doank kerjanya..class jam 2 dtg jam 10 30..rajin abis...slama 4 jam itu gw chating trus belajar( beneran belajar loh) n gw find out kalo test itu d sebut exam d sini... terus ternyata gw ada midterm exam coming soon..baru tau gw...pantesan gw bingung kok yg laen pada midterm gw ga..ternyata emg gw nya aja ga tau..uda hari ini class guru nya ngebacot terus..bosen bgt..bawa laptop bikin bawaan berat..pulang naek bus ternyata busnya ganti..hrs nya cm naek 2 bus skrg jadi 3 trus tmbh mahal pula..uda nunggu bus nya lama bgt lagi...sial abis jdnya kyk bayar dua kali..grrrrrrrrrrr...pundak gw sakit gara2 laptop d tas gw berat,...duh cape bgt dah..laper pula..baru makan twix doank nih gw seharian..ampe eneg2 ndiri..laen kali bli sun chips aja ah...

Monday, October 13, 2008


ARGH GILE pemandanganya bagus banget tuh malam..harusnya tuh d foto yang petama ad gw nya d tengah2 tp berhubung gw malu minta org fotoin gw jadi yah uda lah ya too bad gw cm bisa foto scenerynya doaaank..huh....
jadi wkt itu gw am cc gw n tmn2 mau pegi makan..kt pegi k daerah yg lebi jauh dari kt makan seafood gt..lobster n pasta..tmpt kt duduk tuh sblahnya itu foto..bisa liat itu foto n yg foto ad mobil2 g jlas itu yah dkt2 situ restonya..buat yg punya pacar kalo mau romantis enk tuh makan d situ malm2 tp jgn lupa bawa duit yg bnyk karan makannya maha..dompet gw lgsg kempes coy..mau nangis rasanya...kt makan bnyk pastany cm bbrp yg enak..d sini ga terlalu berasa gt ga kyk d indo kalo lu pesen pasta bumbunya berasa gt kl d sini rada tawar2 gt deh...mau foto makannya sih cm karna kt2 uda pada keburu kelaperan kadi yah gt d g sempet foto..ahahaha..btw title2 posting gw ga ad yg jlas yah..ahaha^^
trus abis makan kita2 muter2 dulu mau explore sekitar situ yah ujung2 g ad ap2 jg sih n afterwards kita makan dessert d cafe gt..dessertnya sih biasa aj tp kt d situ ketawa2 kyk org gila...setelah hari itu gw kembali ke masa2 bosan gw..T.T


Tuh bangun2 gw ada dua bentol begt n gatel bgt..petama gw pikir cm kayak jerawat g jlas yg numbuhnya salah masa di tangan terus stlah seminggu jadi gatel n ga ilang2 terus gw inget katanya nyok gw prnh d gigit serangga yg mirip semut berbuntut 2 g jlas gt deh pokoknya kalo gigit jadninya ada du titik bentol gt..huaaa..gila gatel bgt g ilang2 n skrg ud 2 minggu lebih nih...sebel gw....d lengan gw lagi..gatel gatel gatel pengen gw garuk gw sikat aaaaaaaaargh.....................
eh ada kaki gw kefoto..ahaha


Suka banget deh gw..pas bgt yah wkt itu gw lg otw home trus gw foto pas lg d mobil walopun kehalang tiang listrik lah apalah hasilnya jadi bgs......lebih natural gt..ahahah..beginilah scenery d boston..keseringan sih jgn salah yah walopun sunny begt anginnya kenceng keseringan n jdnya dingiiiin terik mataharinya g tahan jadi yah g jlas gt deh,...yg jlas seger jaaaa...


Iuuuh banget kan kalo liatnya...ahahaha..tenang teman2 ini bukan kaki gw..ini kaki temen gw..waktu itu gw lagi ntn trus dy gedor kamar gw dateng2 kasi liat kukunya yang kayak gini...dy minta gunting kuku buat gunting kukunya yg stengah copot gitu tapi bukannya d gunting cepet2 malah mondar mandir kluar kasi liat orang2..trus wkt itu kt be2 lagi kyk org kerjaan jadi foto2 kakinya deh..ahahaha..interesting sih..ahahaha..yg cowo2 liat ini malah kayak cewe iuuh iuuh iuuh gt ngmngnya..waakkaak
lucu deh kalo denger n liat reaksi org2 yg liatnya..ahaha..=p

My Apartment

PEOPLE!!!!Ini lah bagaimana apartment gw terlihat dari luar...keliatannya vintage bgt yah ga kyk d indo apartmentnya keren2 n tgl d lantai satu jadi kalo dari sini kliatannya tuh yg paling bawah itu lah pokoknya....sekitar gw bnyk org indo yg tgl juga..jadi ni apartment tuh d penuhi org indo jg...enak jadinya lalu kta lihat foto yang d bawahnya itu adalah sebagian isi dari apartment dalm room gt punya kan studio jadi lgsg begt deh..itu ada dapur trus tv n sblh kanan kayak ad gorden tiu dalmnya tmpt gw tidur..maap yah amat sangat berantakan gw lagi malas beres2..ini jg fotonya tanpa planning cm lagi tes camera hp aja..hehehe ..jadi ini lah apartment d boston...kecil tapi enak lah ya^^


ahaha..akhirnya gw bisa transfer jg tuh foto2 dari hp k comp.sooooo....hari ini gw bakal update yang buanyaaaak...i hope...eheheheh

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Gw bingung tidur kan emg jam 1 jam 2 gt n kalo gw bantuin orang bikin quiz jam 12an gt bs d blg suka kah ama orangnya?trus kalo gw nemenin org ambil barang d mobil jg bisa d bilang suka apa???simple things kok d bikin big deals ya...for people who like to gossip mending cari source yang banyak dulu n kalo ud sure baru gosip jangan gosip based on nothing or a few evidence..thats sux u knw....segitu kekuranganya gosip kah ampe hrs bikin2 ndiri?? yah utk org yg d gosipin n its not true..ya udah lah yah cuek aj ntar jg pada bosen ndiri...

N those who have younger brothers or sisters pls treat them nicely, dont just ignore them cause family come first not them good examples n dont be selfish karna kasian d sini liat tmn gw(cowo) yg punya cc n we hang out together with my sis too..tuh cowo tuh sring bgt d isengin n d tease am cc nya..teasenya tuh parah2 bgt rasa kl org biasa sih bisa nangis gw yg denger nya aj uda OMG abis..pdhl cc ndiri loh..but cc nya sih emg suka begt k org laen jg sih...

N for u guys, u must have at least one best fren ryt?whether or not u want to admit them..why do i say this?cos i hav some frens not a real close fren, dy tuh punya BF yg dulunya tuh dy pecaya bgt n one day dy tuh mau curhat about her problems tp BF ny tuh kyk g niat dengernya n always goes back to her own problem g mau dengerin dy n that happens for a few times..then yg lebih parahnya lg dy found out kalo BF nya itu kdg2 talk behind her back n kalo pegi2 tuh sring ngelupain dy, yah well dy ud pindah skul sih tp y tetep aja lah..
Dont be too cuek with people that u love or even ur BF..when u ask them kalo mereka ad problem or anything to tell some pasti blg ga ada karna mereka merasa ga enk tp sebnrnya tuh pasti ada n kalo dy mau crita always listen to them becos at the time she wants to tell u her problem s itu berarti dy lagi desperate n really need someone to listen n help her or maybe just somebody to support her....
Whereever BF lu slalu keep in touch..make them feel like u care not only when they are happy but also in any condition..kalo they alredy seem far from u, lu org yg hrs try to reach them karna best frens,especially the loyal ones are very hard to find..What i mean by hard is really in a thousand...cari dy org n talk,mau lewat sms or msn or email or skype or whatever berhubung jaman uda makin canggih n makin kacau economynya yah cari lah cara..there is always a way!
This is a fact karna ad tmn gw yg gw cm kenal asal kenal n skrg dy curhatnya k gw karna tmn2ny yg she thinks itu bestfrenya ga ngedengerin crita dy..or smthg like that

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Berhubung gw g update2 gw decide utk at least taro satu post..sebnrnya sich ya gw ud mau update dr mau crita ttg boston n apartment gw..
uda ampe gw foto2 loh demi berhubung hp rada gebleg n gw nya gaptek..ntah knp tb2 gw g bs transfer foto2nya k comp gw pdhl wkt itu bisaa...ah kesaaaaaal..jadi maap utk delaynya..ahaha (sok penting bgt gw)

yes mari bercerita ttg ap yg gw lakukan hari ini..
so far sih blm ad ap2..
td cm gw bgn jam 10 30 karna temen gw telp kebetluan emg uda wktnya gw bgn karna mau k skul..untung d telp kl ga g k skul gw..
lalu gw lgsg otomatis buka comp n online trus gw mandi..ternyataaaaaaaaaaaa, mandi emg lama ya..
30 min boooo...trus pad gw ganti baju ad yg manggil d msn..jadi gw bls..trus gw keringin rambut gw pake hair dryer..semenjak d sini gw jd sering pake hairdryer buat keringin rambut kl gw begt kluar rambut basah bisa kedinginan gw..
trus sambil nge blow gw webcam an am vina n chat am yg laen n uda tuh telponan am tmn gw....
naek bus nunggu lama, tegang karna ud mau tlat..45 min lg class gw mulai..
angin sepoi2 tapi matahri terik bgt..
ujung2 sih emg tlat 5 min tp peduli amet lah ya gurunya jg g peduli sih..ehehe
trus d class td rada seru tp kl gw critain lagi blog gw panjang bgt..pokonya intinya d class guru gw bagi2 dpt 40 gelo itu..
trus gw makan pizza bayar $1.69 tp minumnya gw ga bayar karna ga ad kasirnya jadi y bodo amet lah ya..
ahaha skali2 ini^^

wah panjaaaaaaaaaaaang...
sekian crita dari irene
smoga para pembaca mengerti ap yg gw blg n ga bosan yah bacanya^^

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Trying to find a way to waste time beside being in library

ada 2 jam break sebelum class terakhir gw.n gw uda bosen bgt kerja nya tuh k library teruus..jadi gw decide utk ke bawah n jalan k dunkin donut..makan d bli sandwich is ham n pikir kira2 cm 2 dllr gt ternyataaaaaaaa 4 dllr coy..shock gw tp yah tetep nbeli lah ya...trus gw duduk d situ makan..berusaha buang tetep aj g bnyk kebuang wktny..mau bli iced chocolate g ada..adanya hot chocolate..jd yah g jd n gw balik lagi d k uda jaln plan2 n mondar mandir ujung2 cape ndiri gw decide utk blk k library deh..semua yg gw lakuin cm abis waktu kira2 40 min..jd yah continue d library seperti biasa online pake ebuddy, denger lagu n bloggin....g tau deh gw abis ini mau ngapain lg..mp3 gw blm d charge lagi..huuuuuuuuuuuh..

(Dy sih g bakal baca blog gw tapi yah biar aj lah ya biar org laen yg lupa jd inget n buat yg taunya dari gw kasi tau si shaun tuh kl gw yg inform u guys..ahaha"

Saturday, October 4, 2008

How to lose friends and alienate with people

This is a new movie and it is so damn funny!!!MUST WATCH IT!
Ceritanya kocak abis ad some part yg bnr2 disgusting in a way under age people are not suppose to see this scene..but i guess in indo bakal d cut...for sure that aj mending ga liat deh tuh scene..hiiii..but the others is okay..kocak abis..but there is one thing yg gw most of the movies i watch contohnya burn after reading n eagle eye n this movie, they speak using vulgar wrds kyk fuck lah bitch lah ap lah yg biasanya d indo g bkl kedengeran..gmn cara cutnya kalo in almost every sentence they used it..(yah ga every sentence sih yah tp bnyk)..bingung dah gw...


hari sabtu k baby shower..uda kurang tidur nyampe sono jg bosen bgt lagi...sebnrnya sih cukup2 aj yah tidurnya cm gw nya aja g puas..hehe..trus nyampe on time jam 2 tp acaranya blm mulai gw am cc gw n tmn2nya dtg paling petam..nunggu satu jam stengah baru akhirnya sih uda bosen bgt g ad kerjaan..laluu...d situ gw uda bener2 gw kerjanya ngbrol terus ama teman2 nya jadi bisa d bg gw d terlantarkan jadi yah dont care deh ngbrl aja am org yg gw knal asal nimbrung sksd gt..wakaka..Baby shower ternyata ga seinteresting yg gw kira yah..bosan bgt..sebnrnya sih itu harusnya surprise buat cewnya(istrinya)yah baby showernya tapiiii ketauan gara2 ad satu irg gt keceplosan...jd dy uda tau deh..g fun bgt..treus nyebelinnya tuh cew pas dtg k acaranya bukannya senyum2 bahagia karna kt uda adain ini acara n decorate2 gt malah tampangnya biasa aja..jutek malah tampangnya iya..senyumnya dikit bgt..g fun bgt deh

Friday, October 3, 2008

kebodohan irene 3

jadi begini loh mau kasi liat susan foto gw cobain baju buat acara tp g bisa gw send lewat email..jadi karna gw perlu comment dy buru2 gw post d blog...trus gw suru dy buru2 liat karna gw mau lgsg apus..ntar kalo ad yg liat foto geje gw kan malu gw..ahaha..trus dy uda liat gw mau delete ga bisaaaaa..kurng tolol ap lg mau delete post aj g bisa...dy g maukasi tau gw petama2.yah akhirnya d kasih tau juga sih n ternyata cara nya simple nya aja lemot g ngerti..wakaka..

the end..
dah puas tuh san..=.=

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Newbury College

yes gw lagi d library again n nunggu klas 2 jam jd yah gw ngepost bnyk bgt nih..sekarang gw mau nunjukin skul gw d sini...kliatan tua bgt sih emg tp y gt deh..ini lah sebagian dari skul gw..karna buildingnya bnyk n kepisah2 jadi gw g bs show smuanya karna ini fot jg gw colong dari d sini enk loh..adem bgt..g bnyk polusi kyk d kluar dr sklh lgsg dah menghirup asep..d sini sih menghirup udara segar..banyak pohon..enk bgt..kl lu mau santai lu bs duduk d tamanya nya ja getak kyk gembel,picnic ato baca buku d kursi yg d sedianin d bawah pohon..skul gw g kyk d city gt deh cm g d desa jg loh yah..adem bgt d sini bs d blg dingin ampe2 gw pake jaket tiap hari..angin nya kenceng tp matahari kadang2 terik bgt....sekian ttg skul gw..kalo tmbh panjang lagi bosenin ntar..

Matthew West = Fantastic

tenang para pembaca..itu bukan cowo yg gw knal d skul yah..itu adalah artis...lagunya baguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus sih suka ya..jd di harap utk kalian yg membaca carilah lagu matthew west yg berjudul more..dengerin ampe abis..kalo baru d dpn2 aja uda bosen yah silakan lompat k chorusnya karna d situlah part yg buagus..sip2..terusss ad satu lagu lagi yg bgs..g tau deh lu org pad tau ga..yg nyanyi katie perry judulnya hot n cold..samaaa...kutless judulnya strong tower..
lagu2 ini recommended dari irene wijaya jadi pasti bagusss.ahahaha..pede bgt gw..^o^


ahaha..hari ini gw mau cerita ttg dunkin donut..jadi td stelah kelas pertama perut gw kan bunyi..trus temen gw ngajakin gw k dunkin donut karna dy mau bli coffee..kebetulan tuh gw lagi pengen..dunkin donut d sini d mn2 tempatnya..jd gw bs tgl naek bus k bawah trus jalan kaki dikit trus nyampe deh..

ok back to the k sono pikirnya kan mau bli donut yg biasa gw bli tuh d indo yg ad isi coklat trus luar nya covered with aadaaaaaaaaaaaa..saya KECEWA..donutnya beda sama indo..indo lebi bnyk macemnya..trus gw bli yg double coklat kan..kalo d indo sih d sini rasanya biasa ajaaa..g enk malah..nah yg enk tuh yah kayaknya sandwich nya..d indo sih yah gw g prnh makan sandwichnya karna gw ga tau adaa...TADI SI BERN BARU KOREKSI GW TUH ODHL TDNYA GW TULIS D INDO G AD SANDWICH..DY SENENG GW SALAH TULIS..TP yg jlas d sini isinya ad yg isi ham n cheese ad yg isi turkey,cheddar am ap gt..buanyak deh..laen kl gw mau bli itu dunkin donut blinya sandwich bukan donut..bis donut nya kurg yummy..^^