Saturday, October 18, 2008

Private BBQ..ahahaha

Vina i'll try to use english yah..tapi campur2 a bit yah^^

so..abis pulang dari super market (its a 30 min walk from my apt to supermarket then back damn cold cheek were freezing coz the wind is really strong)..i was alredy tired n hungry..i put my things onthe floor then lay on the bed n start chatting..i was planning to cook when my fren invited me to go to a BBQ at my fren's first i dont wanna go but he insisted and said that he will pick me up cos yeah u knw i cant drive n my sis was in i said ok lah i'll go..he arrived at 4 30 n i was alredy starving..i called my other fren who hosted the BBQ and told him that we are going to go there..Buuuut...he said that he n his brother n his frens are still shopping for the BBQ..he told us to come at 6 30..

so/ fren n i were in my apt doing nothing..we were just checkin fb n talk about his frens n my frens until 6 30...on the way there, he said that he dunno the way n has no we were lost..its really dumb..we were going in circle n at last after i panicked and called my fren for direction, he took his gps out..(irene d tipu..kesel saya)

blom makan dari pagi,starving, ga dapet tempat buat park the car(btw mobilnya Z4,bmw,coop,2 seater..gile mobilnya kecil bgt..keren sih keren tp mini bgt..) trus d suru beli jagung lagi..dingin2 BBQ..akhirnya we arrived at the house n start BBQ ing..damn man so delicious..sausage wrapped with bacon then we panggang the steak..gede coy but i only eat like half of the steak slice..then adaa french fries then the best of all itu my fren cooked i dunno what but i called it bacon soup..ahahaha..cos dy cook ada bacon with mushroom soup nya d kasih white wine n bawang2 ga itu enaaak bgt..ada rasa sweet2nya...argh i love it...

while eating we watched red sox(baseball game just in case somebody dunno)from 8 to 12 pm..the weather was really was freezing n we BBQ outdoor gituu..but worth it stomach really full..for dessert we ate ice cream..on the process of cookin n eating we kept joking n they very often teased me..maklum lah yah itu cowo smua..pada kejam2 gw d ejek2 d bully n gw g bisa bales..they are pro..i'm the only girl n kalah lah lawan mereka..hiiiii...

i eat like 4 scoop gituu..ahahahpetama 2 n then 2 lagi..i lay on the sofa n chat while eating the ice cream..ada my fren yang really kind, jadi i didnt move at all..dy yg get me the ice cream twice n also a drink..wakakaka..i was joking before..asking him to get me ice cream n water..i didn expect that he really would get me..ahaha..but yah ternyata d ambilin..wakaka..i was chatting with vina at that time n we talk about it n something else n i laughed out loud..

then my sis called..she was kinda shock that i have not gone home was late but what can i do they were watching red sox yang slesenya mid night so..ya uda i wait till they finish n then the guy who picked me up, send me back home..
beside the teasing, it was a really fun day..
my plan before was to do my take home test,study, do hw n exercise but all that di pending dulu..ahaha...minggu HARUS FINISH!!!

iiih aneh rasanya crita pake english..awkward abis..ahahah./.for suzue,sammy n vina n ratna n other yg read these n i knw english lu org jago..pardon my grammar yah...ahahha..jadi malu saya^^

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