Saturday, October 18, 2008

weird n creepy

hari ini gw bangun jam 12 cc gw kan uda pegi tuh k sklh mau nya ish bgn lebh siang lagi karna hari ini gw ga bakal kmana2 karna ank2 d apt gw pada sibuk ntar pada mau nonton cirque disole= kooza..itu tuh circus yg keren bgt tapi gw ga mau ikut karna mahal coy..100dllr for circus so i think that it is not worth it..trus kan gw mandi planningnya abis mandi mau jalan kakui k super market bli sayur n then masak..trus abis mandi kan gw liat hoho manggil..trus gw jawab..then..

smthg weird n shocking for cm tulis" hoooo" then "hohohoho"..trus pas gw balik gw liat ada tambahan gitu ..jadi nya ada "hooooooooooooooooooooooo"&"oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"
padahal i dont remember my self typing when i saw it...very shocking maaaan..then i look around..i thought that there was somebody cos my apt kan sring banyak orang yang masuk soalnya sometimes i forgot to lock it..tapi there is none..only me..langsung gw tegang..but i force myself not to think about it cos it would be really scary for me alone in my apt.

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