Saturday, October 11, 2008


Gw bingung tidur kan emg jam 1 jam 2 gt n kalo gw bantuin orang bikin quiz jam 12an gt bs d blg suka kah ama orangnya?trus kalo gw nemenin org ambil barang d mobil jg bisa d bilang suka apa???simple things kok d bikin big deals ya...for people who like to gossip mending cari source yang banyak dulu n kalo ud sure baru gosip jangan gosip based on nothing or a few evidence..thats sux u knw....segitu kekuranganya gosip kah ampe hrs bikin2 ndiri?? yah utk org yg d gosipin n its not true..ya udah lah yah cuek aj ntar jg pada bosen ndiri...

N those who have younger brothers or sisters pls treat them nicely, dont just ignore them cause family come first not them good examples n dont be selfish karna kasian d sini liat tmn gw(cowo) yg punya cc n we hang out together with my sis too..tuh cowo tuh sring bgt d isengin n d tease am cc nya..teasenya tuh parah2 bgt rasa kl org biasa sih bisa nangis gw yg denger nya aj uda OMG abis..pdhl cc ndiri loh..but cc nya sih emg suka begt k org laen jg sih...

N for u guys, u must have at least one best fren ryt?whether or not u want to admit them..why do i say this?cos i hav some frens not a real close fren, dy tuh punya BF yg dulunya tuh dy pecaya bgt n one day dy tuh mau curhat about her problems tp BF ny tuh kyk g niat dengernya n always goes back to her own problem g mau dengerin dy n that happens for a few times..then yg lebih parahnya lg dy found out kalo BF nya itu kdg2 talk behind her back n kalo pegi2 tuh sring ngelupain dy, yah well dy ud pindah skul sih tp y tetep aja lah..
Dont be too cuek with people that u love or even ur BF..when u ask them kalo mereka ad problem or anything to tell some pasti blg ga ada karna mereka merasa ga enk tp sebnrnya tuh pasti ada n kalo dy mau crita always listen to them becos at the time she wants to tell u her problem s itu berarti dy lagi desperate n really need someone to listen n help her or maybe just somebody to support her....
Whereever BF lu slalu keep in touch..make them feel like u care not only when they are happy but also in any condition..kalo they alredy seem far from u, lu org yg hrs try to reach them karna best frens,especially the loyal ones are very hard to find..What i mean by hard is really in a thousand...cari dy org n talk,mau lewat sms or msn or email or skype or whatever berhubung jaman uda makin canggih n makin kacau economynya yah cari lah cara..there is always a way!
This is a fact karna ad tmn gw yg gw cm kenal asal kenal n skrg dy curhatnya k gw karna tmn2ny yg she thinks itu bestfrenya ga ngedengerin crita dy..or smthg like that

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